Bringing the Beast to Light

Cody McMurty dishes out some organic food for thought on Prop 37:
This Fall we can deal Monsanto, Cargill, ADM and the other entities of the Industrial Agriculture beast a small but important blow here in California.
With Proposition 37, we can bring the light of awareness to the dark underbelly of the vast industrial food system-a light that this mammoth beast does not want shone on it. For it thrives on hiding its true form in the darkness, and maintaining a vast conformity of poor nutrition, standardized unconsciousness and enfeebling illness on humanity, beneath, of course, the shiny facade of its low, low prices and manipulation of human taste buds for instant satisfaction (and Diabetes for the rest of your life).
If this sounds overly oppositional, think about it this way from a more neutral stance: all that is being asked is for the companies that sell a majority of food to inform us what is in that food. This is not banning GMOs or subsidizing organic food, it is simply asking for the truth. If we label what 60 or 70 years ago was just food as "organic", then shouldn't be also label foods that have been manipulated by science, which even with the best intentions can have unintended consequences?
Clearly, I am opposed to Industrial Agriculture, and GMOs as they are right now. Proposition 37 would put labels on many foods that contain GMOs in a state with 10% of the nation's population, a significant chunk that could effect agriculture in the whole country. This is why Monsanto and their corporate brethren have put about $35 million into disinformation about the Prop 37 campaign.
So, I suggest you equip yourself to vote, and lend a hand to the fight for our food, and perhaps more.
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