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« The East Slovak Museum | Main | Iceland »

The Natural History Museum of Lausanne

       The Natural History Museum of Lausanne is located on top of an enormous hill in the historic yet cutting-edge town of Lausanne, Switzerland.  When you walk into the museum, a sensation of being in a museum will sweep over you.  You can smell the dusty museum air – a musky scent akin to old and yellowed paperbacks, the residual cleaning product formerly applied to the ubiquitous large-tile floor, the formaldehyde fumes seeping out from the glass specimen preservation jars.  At the NHML you can find an extensive collection of stuffed birds, plasticized reptiles, and a great white shark.  They have fossils and full skeletons of mastodons, dinosaurs, and whales.  For your viewing pleasure there are preserved mammal organs, brains, and fetuses.  It’s a perfect place for a first date.


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