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    Bodega Land Trust - Rediscover the Wild

    By Vince Goble

    Science and technology, although smart, are not necessarily healthy for the relationship between humans and the planet. Look around; your comfortable home, your smart pocket device, your speedy car are all convenient for the lifestyle that you live. But where is life taking you, or rather, where are you taking life? Hmm, "taking life;" does life take? Or is life shared? Are we symbiotic expressions of stardust and space; light and dark; particles and waves; rain clouds and oceans? Do we arrive from the dark and nurturing womb; through the female opus; and into the light of consciousness to tear through space like a phallus?

    Surrounded by sci-fi and weapons masses we observe vicariously the distant expressions of our collective energy. As nation members we are committed to moon walks and exchanges of torture for security; whether we agree to or not. We, all, are compliant, as members of the monetary tax base, in the system of mass extraction and production. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the American Testaments to our own governance and philosophy; religion. Those documents were written before the industrial revolution, at a time of slavery and genocide. We have pushed those foundational pillars abroad and into our culture of imprisonment as our machinery has become more efficient at scarring the Earth and supporting our hoards in the cities.

    Few, now take the time to ponder their place in the human experience on Earth. Where do we begin to consider the predicament of humans and the planet? Many simplify this fundamental question by having blind faiths. Beliefs in God, physics, money, Jesus, Allah, fate, jobs, mates, space travel, aliens, TV, information, secular law, distract us from nature and its offerings. Nature are the rocks and the water; the plants and the animals. Nature is night and day; heat and relaxation. These movements grow and change and metamorphize spontaneously and freely; without inhibition, but intuition. The time is now to embrace these elements of the planet in a different way. Let us discontinue our relentless desire to control nature. Stop bottling it for monetization. No more modules ad infinitum. To quantize life is to be dillusional; it strips us of soul and its creativity. Allow life and there will be breath. Play Go



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